Intramolecular H Atom Abstraction from the Sugar Moiety by Thymine Radicals in Oligo- and Polydeoxynucleotides

Hydroxyl radical to uracil (U) has been suggested to lead to strand breaks in polyuridylic acid, an occurrence attributed in part to H atom abstraction by .U-OH radicals from the ribose moiety [D. G. E.Lemaire et al., Int. J. Radiat. Biol. 45, 351-358 (1984)]. We have investigated this particular reaction by means of the hydroxyl radical-induced products of thymine (T), pT, TpT, TpTpT, polythymidylic acid (poly-T), (T + dR) poly-dA.poly-T, and a mixture of T and 2-deoxyribose (dR). The major monomeric product of .T-OH in TpT, TpTpT, poly-T, and poly-dA.poly-T was found to be 5-hydroxy-6-hydrothymine (H-T-OH), while that in T, pT, and T thus dR was thymine glycol (HO-T-OH). These results indicated that the intramolecular H atom abstraction from a nearby sugar (in this case, deoxyribose) moiety by base radicals, i.e., .T-OH, occurs in oligo- and polydeoxynucleotides of T. In poly-T, the yield of H-T-OH is not much greater than in TpT or TpTpT, indicating that the abstraction of an H atom from the sugar moiety of a nucleotide subunit further than two nucleotides lon the chain may not be significant. Additionally, a corresponding decrease in the yield of HO-T-OH with an increase in the yield of H-T-OH suggests that the formations of these two types of thymine products are competitive.