Anomalously small 4f-5doscillator strengths and 4f-4felectronic Raman scattering cross sections forCe3+in crystals ofLuPO4

The oscillator strengths for the 4f1→5d1 transitions of Ce3+ in LuPO4 were measured from absorption spectra and compared to calculated values. The measured oscillator strengths were found to be between 2.5 and 20 times smaller than the corresponding theoretical values. In addition, absolute cross sections for electronic Raman scattering between the levels of the 4f1 configuration of Ce3+ in LuPO4 were measured and found to be significantly smaller than those expected from theory. Both of these discrepancies may be explained by a reduction in the radial integral, 〈4f‖r‖5d〉, for Ce3+ in the solid state. Absorption data obtained from the literature for the 4f1→5d1 transitions of Ce3+ in a number of host crystals were used to establish a correlation between the cerium-ionligand distance and the reduction in the 〈4f‖r‖5d〉 integral. Effects on electronic Raman scattering cross sections for rare-earth ions in crystals are discussed.