From October 2006 through February 2007, Macro and six partnering state departments of health conducted over 1,900 interviews via cell phone in Connecticut, Florida, Massachusetts, Montana, New Jersey, and Texas. The survey collected about 10 minutes of general health data for adults in each state. Despite a high number of hang-ups, many cell users are willing to conduct a survey on their cell phones. The cell phone sample had a higher percentage of young adults and minorities than a comparative landline sample. A high percentage of respondents live in households without a landline or cell only, a population that cannot be reached through landline random digit dialing samples. A high percentage of respondents keep their phones on all day, suggesting that we are reaching a population segment that regularly use their cell phones rather than those who use cell phones sporadically. This cell phone survey experience has provided invaluable information about conducting cell phone interviews and has helped shape methodological directions for future surveys.