Resistance to Oleandomycin in Streptomyces antibioticus, the Producer Organism

Resistance to oleandomycin in Streptomyces antibioticus, the producer organism, was studied. The organism was highly resistant in vivo to the antibiotic but sensitive to other macrolides and lincosamides. Protein synthesis in vivo by mycelium of S. antibioticus was more resistant to oleandomycin than that by mycelium of Streptomyces albus G, an oleandomycin-sensitive strain, and this resistance was dependent on the age of the culture, older mycelium of S. antibioticus being more resistant to oleandomycin than young mycelium. [3H]Oleandomycin was capable of binding to the same extent to the 50S subunits of the ribosomes of both organisms. Oleandomycin also inhibited in vitro protein synthesis by ribosomes obtained from an oleandomycin-production medium at the time when maximum levels of oleandomycin were being produced. A clear difference between the ability of the two organisms to incorporate exogenous oleandomycin was observed. Thus, while S. albus G took up oleandomycin, S. antibioticus showed a decreased permeability to the antibiotic, suggesting a role for cell permeability in self-resistance.