Characteristics of strained In/sub 0.65/Ga/sub 0.35/As/In/sub 0/./sub 52/Al/sub 0/./sub 48/As HEMT with optimized transport parameters

The DC and microwave performance of a strained In/sub 0/./sub 65/Ga/sub 0/./sub 35/As/In/sub 0/./sub 52/A1/sub 0/./sub 48/As HEMT (high-electron-mobility transistors) is reported. Its design is based on theoretical and experimental studies including low- and high-field transport characterization of heterostructures with different strains. The intrinsic DC transconductance and cutoff frequence of 1.4- mu m-long gate HEMTs are 574 mS/mm and 38.6 GHz, respectively. The increased indium (In) composition in the channel enhances the drift velocity from 1.35*10/sup 7/ to 1.55*10/sup 7/ cm/s at 300 K.

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