SarcTnic acid was isolated from cold ethanol and acetone soluble phospholipides of a strain of Sarcina by alcoholic-KOH hydrolysis, and precipitation as the Pb salt. It was identified as C15H30O2 acid (C 74.35%,H 12.37%; mol. wt. 241; m.p. 24[degree]C, l2no. = 0) Sarcinic acid-like acids were isolated from sol. Pb-salt (m.p. 21.5[degree]C), from Bacillus subtilis (m.p. 39[degree] and 29[degree]C), Bacillus natto (m.p. 32[degree] and 26[degree]C). These acids were shown to be a mixture of C.4,C15(predominant)C16 and C17 acids by reversed phase chromatograpny on paraffin-coated siliconized hyflo-supercel.