Symptomatology of habitual caffeine use amongst psychiatric patients

Recent studies of caffeine use amongst psychiatric patients have suggested that heavy users experience more anxiety and depression than non‐users. The present study aimed to extend the findings of previous research by examining somatic as well as psychological symptomatology associated with habitual caffeine use. In addition, an attempt was made to control for certain potentially confounding variables not adequately controlled in previous research, including possible response bias due to subject knowledge of investigator expectations, subjects' use of substances other than caffeine, and a number of biographic variables. The participants were 173 inpatients drawn from two large psychiatric institutions. Each subject participated in a structured interview during which information was obtained on somatic and psychological health, substance use, and demographic variables. Results failed to confirm previous reports of an association between moderate levels of caffeine consumption and psychological well‐being. However, caffeine consumption was significantly correlated with self‐reported Frequency of somatic symptoms.