Effect of Insulin and Epinephrine on the Eosinophil and Blood Glucose Levels in Sheep; Lack of Diurnal Rhythm

Treatment with 25 units of insulin caused max. hypoglycemia within 2 hrs. and a max. eosinopenia within 6 hrs. Treatment with 2 mg. of epinephrine caused an immediate rise in blood sugar from a normal of 32 mg. % to a max. of 178 mg. % in 2 hrs. The eosinophils showed an 80% decrease at 6 hrs. after the injn. Handling alone had no effect on the eosinophils and no diurnal fluctuations were found either in the circulating eospinophils or blood sugar. The failure to find a diurnal rhythm or to obtain any response following the stimulus of handling is added evidence for the theory that sheep possess a relative deficiency in the pituitary-adrenal system.

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