Studies on transfer ribonucleic acids and related compounds. XXXIV. Stepwise diester or partial triester synthesis of penta- to octanucleotides corresponding to residues 41-46, 47-54, 61-65 and 66-71 of tRNAfMet of E. coli.

A hexanucleotide and an octanucleotide corresponding to tRNAfmet bases 41-46 and 47-54 were synthesized by stepwise addition of mononucleotides. The octanucleotide is the largest oligoribonucleotide synthesized by this method. A pentanucleotide (bases 61-65) and a hexanucleotide (bases 66-71) were synthesized via partially triesterified intermediates. The deblocked products were purified by ion-exchange chromatography and characterized by enzymatic hydrolysis. These oligonucleotides were used as substrates in joining reactions with RNA ligase.