A new resonance at 1480 MeV with a width of 110 MeV is found in p¯n annihilations in the channel p¯nπX0(1480)πρ0ρ0. Its mass, width, spin, and parity are shown to be consistent with the ρ0ρ0 enhancement observed in γγ reactions. Together with the suppression in the γγρ+ρ data which requires the admixture of an isotensor structure, this ρ0ρ0 resonance in p¯n annihilation and γγ reactions and their small ππ branching ratios represent the best evidence yet for Q2Q¯2 states. A ρρ resonance in p¯n annihilations which would betray the exotic isotensor nature of the resonance is predicted.