Next-to-leading-order perturbative QCD predictions are obtained for the two-photon exclusive channels γγ→M+ M (M=π,K) at large momentum transfer. The calculation is carried out in the Feynman gauge. The dimensional-regularization method is used to control both ultraviolet and infrared divergences. The model meson distribution amplitude ΦM∝δ(x-(1/2)) is utilized as a candidate form for the nonperturbative dynamical input. In order to reduce the effect of the particular choice of ΦM, similarity between γγ→M+ M and γ*M+ M (timelike meson electromagnetic form factor) is employed. In the modified minimal-subtraction (MS¯) scheme definition of αs, renormalized at Wγγ (total center-of-mass energy of the γγ system), and with the present estimates of ΛMS¯ (∼150 MeV), it is found that next-to-leading-order corrections become sufficiently small (<25%) only for Wγγ>10 GeV, which is much larger than the highest Wγγ for which experimental data exist.