The electronic structure of 1T-TaS2at room temperature and 120 K

The experimental band structure of layered 1T-TaS2 in the nearly commensurate phase at room temperature is investigated for the main symmetry directions, including three-dimensional effects, by angle-resolved photoemission with high energy and angle resolution and high absolute accuracy using He I and synchrotron radiation. In order to investigate the charge-density-wave (CDW) effects already present in the nearly commensurate phase, the room-temperature results are compared with measurements in the commensurate CDW state at 120 K. The dominant features in the electronic structure are described reasonably well by band structure calculations for the normal undistorted phase. Additional emission close to the Fermi energy can be assigned to CDW effects that strongly affect primarily the tantalum 5d band, which become very prominent at 120 K.