The effect of inulin on new and on patent infections ofTrichuris suisin growing pigs

The objective of this experiment was to investigate the potential influence of inulin on the establishment of new and patent infections ofTrichuris suisin growing pigs. Two experimental diets were formulated based on barley flour with either added insoluble fibre from oat husk (Diet 1) or a pure inulin (16%) supplementation (Diet 2). Twenty-eight 10-week-old pigs were divided randomly into 4 groups (Groups 1–4) each of 7 pigs. After 3 weeks adaptation to the experimental diets all pigs were infected with a single dose of 2000 infectiveT. suiseggs. Group 1 was fed Diet 1 until 7 weeks post-infection (p.i.) and Group 3 until 9 weeks p.i., Group 2 was fed Diet 2 until 7 weeks p.i., Group 4 was fed Diet 1 until week 7 p.i. and was switched-over from Diet 1 to Diet 2 until week 9 p.i. Seven weeks p.i. pigs in Groups 1 and 2 were slaughtered, and pigs in Groups 3 and 4 were slaughtered at 9 weeks p.i.Trichuris suisworm burdens were determined for all pigs. Inulin-fed pigs (Group 2) exhibited an 87% reduction in EPG, compared to the pigs on standard diet (Group 1) (PPPT. suisestablishment, egg excretion, and female worm fecundity and can be used as a treatment for patent infections.