Electron-Spin Resonances in Reactor-Irradiated Aluminum Oxide

Three prominent paramagnetic absorption systems have been detected in single crystals of α aluminum oxide (Al2 O3) following reactor irradiation with and without subsequent low-temperature gamma-ray irradiation. The most prominent system has an asymmetric, slightly anisotropic absorption with g2.00, which appears to result from the superposition of components from several paramagnetic centers. A second system consisting of twelve equally intense lines corresponds to a spin-one center in six inequivalent sites whose z axes are perpendicular to the crystal c axis and nearly parallel to rows of O2 ions. The spin-Hamiltonian parameters for this defect are: gz=2.0105±0.0020, gx=gy=2.0190±0.0020, S=1, |D|=0.0710±0.0002 cm1, and |E|=0.0025±0.0005 cm1, where D and E have the same sign. Its spectrum is attributed to an AlO3 molecular ion in a pair of oxygen sites, formed by a replacement collision. The third system is obtained when a reactor-irradiated crystal of Al2 O3 is gamma-ray irradiated at 77°K and measured prior to warming up. It is a three-line system which saturates with gamma-ray dose but whose saturation level increases with reactor dose. This system corresponds to a spin-32 center with a symmetry axis parallel to the c axis; its spin-Hamiltonian parameters are: g=2.018±0.002, g=2.011±0.002, S=32, and |D|=0.0373±0.0002 cm1. It is attributed to interstitial O+ formed from interstitial O0 by ionization or hole trapping.