Determination of Herpes Simplex Virus Type-Specific Antibodies by Solid-Phase RIA on Helix pomatia Lectin-Purified Antigens

Herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1) and type 2 (HSY-2) antibodies in humans and animals were determined by a micro-solid-phase radioimmunoassay with Helix pomatia lectin/Sepharose 4B-purified antigens from HSY-l- and HSY-2-infected cells. A low but constant heterotypic reactivity was found with HSY-1 antigen, whereas HSY-2 antigen was type specific, as evidenced by (1) its reactivity with sera from HSY-2- but not with those from HSY-1-immunized animals, (2) its reactivity with monoclonal antibody to glycoprotein C but not with that to other HSY-2 glycoproteins, and (3) the negative results obtained in serum samples from 57 children, of whom 49 possessed HSY-1 neutralizing antibody. Antibody to HSY-2(anti-HSY-2) was detected in serum samples from 14 of 16 subjects treated for genital herpetic lesions. The prevalence of anti-HSY-2 in women did not differ in the 25–35- and 36–45-year-old age groups but did correlate with the number of sex partners, with only 10% of women reporting one sex partner and 33% of those reporting more than 10 sex partners having anti-HSY-2.

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