Blood and Rumen Changes in Cows in Early Stages of Ketosis

An experiment was conducted to determine the blood and rumen changes in cows in the early stages of ketosis. Blood sugars and plasma tri-glycerides were significantly depressed, while plasma free fatty acids (FFA) and blood ketones were significantly elevated during this stage of ketosis. There was no apparent abnormality in the total concentration of ruminal volatile fatty acids (VFA) or the percentages of the various VFA''s at this stage of ketosis. In a more advanced stage of ketosis, the total concentration was depressed, while the percentage of acetate was increased and propionate depressed. It appears that the ruminal changes In advanced ketosis were due to reduced feed intake and were not a causative factor in ketosis. An evaluation of the relationships between the blood components in early ketosis suggested that the level of blood sugars was the controlling factor mediating other blood changes.