Search for theH-Dibaryon inH3e(K,K+)Hn

A high-sensitivity search for the strangeness S=2 H dibaryon (uuddss) was conducted at the Brookhaven Alternating Gradient Synchrotron (AGS) using the reaction H3e(K,K+)Hn at PK=1.8GeV/c. The sensitivity was independent of H lifetime and decay modes. No evidence for H production was observed. In a mass range extending from about 50 to 380MeV/c2 below the ΛΛ threshold of 2.231GeV/c2, the resulting upper limits on the H-production cross section are in the range of 0.058 to 0.021μb/sr, approximately 1 order of magnitude below a theoretical calculation.

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