Chemical aspects of Pb-Zr-Ti oxide thin film syntheses by PE-MOCVD below 500°c

The general features of the chemistry in synthesizing lead zirconium titanate thin films by PE-MOCVD are discussed based on a preliminary experimental investigation. A qualitative model was constructed as a guide for optimizing the formation of the perovskite phase in the as-deposited condition. This was based on concepts of crystal chemistry of the perovskite and pyrochlore structures and the observed deposition kinetics. Currently, thin films containing up to 92 vol % perovskite have been formed below 500°C in the as-deposited condition. Sufficient latitude remains in adjusting the operating parameters that the formation of phase pure perovskite is considered possible. A thermodynamic analysis of the solid state suggests that low temperature thermal equilibration will yield minority lead-rich phases. Consequently, nonequilibrium processing techniques such as plasma processing are considered necessary. Ferroelectric hysteresis was observed for films receiving post deposition anneals.