Lectin-binding sites in human parathyroid tissue.

The aim of this study was to demonstrate several lectin-binding sites in human parathyroid tissue and to correlate these results with functional activity. The following lectins were tested for binding sites with certain carbohydrates (in parentheses): Arachis hypogea (PNA) (galactose), Ulex europaeus I (UEA) (fucose) and concanavalin A (ConA) (mannose). In addition to normal parathyroids used as controls (13 cases), we examined adenomas associated with a clinical picture of primary hyperparathyroidism of differing severity (31 cases), atrophic glands contralateral to a hyperfunctioning adenoma (7 cases), and secondary (renal) hyperplasia (12 cases). Use of PNA (with and without neuraminidase treatment) and UEA yielded negative staining in normal glands, a wide variety of reactions in adenomas, and frequent dense precipitates in atrophic parathyroids, whereas ConA yielded positive staining in all kinds of parathyroid tissue. Assessment of functional activity of adenomas by clinical parameters (pre-operative serum levels of calcium and parathormone) displayed a significant correlation with the semiquantitative grading of the histochemical reactions after PNA and UEA. Lectin-binding sites in parathyroid chief cells of adenomas are believed to indicate some of the cell structures or products directly involved in the secretory process, including degradation. Although ConA may recognize constituent parathyroid glycoproteins, the binding sites for PNA and UEA are thought to be partially associated with secretory glycoprotein (SP-I), as is known from animal experiments. The positive reaction of the atrophic gland may result from degradation enforced by exposure of primarily non-terminal carbohydrate components.