An Evaluation of N-Ethyl-Maleimide-Induced Lipid Peroxidation in Platelet Concentrates Stored at 4 or 22°C

A method for the quality control of platelet viability, based on N-ethyl-maleimide (NEM)-induced lipid peroxidation, is reported. Duplicate platelet concentrates from individual donors were stored at 22 and 4 degrees C, respectively. At time 0 and at 24-hour intervals, pH, O2 and CO2 tensions, ADP-induced aggregation, glass adhesivity, hypotonic shock response (HSR) and NEM-induced lipid peroxidation were measured. A highly significant correlation between NEM-induced lipid peroxidation and HSR was established, which suggests that the former method can be used for the in vitro prediction of posttransfusion survival of preserved platelets.