Anisotropy of electrical conductivity in aluminum trichlorideintercalated graphite

We have examined the basal-plane and c-axis electrical resistivity (ρa and ρc) of first-, second-, and fourth-stage (s) graphite intercalation compounds containing aluminum trichloride from 4.2≤T≤295 K. The basal-plane results are similar for all stages: ρa is a nonlinear function of T, and all ρ(295 K)/ρ(4.2 K) values are less than 10. The ρc(T) behavior is stage dependent: for s=1, ρc(T) varies approximately as ρa(T), but is (3–8)×105 times as great; whereas, for s=2, ρc diminishes linearly as T decreases, undergoes a sharp transition at 186 K, and again decreases linearly with a reduced slope. Liquid-helium anisotropy values in second-stage materials can attain 3×106. The thermal variation of ρc is shown to be a function of the low-temperature value for both first- and second-stage products. The data are compared to results of recent conduction-electron spin-resonance studies, and possible conductivity mechanisms are discussed.