Measurements have been made of the effect of hydrostatic pressure upon the intrinsic infrared absorption of germanium, silicon, and tellurium in the pressure range 1-2000 atmospheres. In germanium the variation with pressure of the lowest lying conduction band minimum, (111), is found to be (7.3±1.5)×106 ev/atmos. It is suggested that the variation with pressure of the next highest conduction band edge, (000), has a value of (11±3)×106 ev/atmos. The shift of the infrared absorption edge with pressure in silicon is small and is toward smaller energy, amounting to about -2×106 ev/atmos between 1 and 2020 atmospheres. The sign and magnitude of the pressure coefficient in this material are in agreement with the results of Warschauer, Paul, and Brooks. For tellurium both Eg, the energy gap corresponding to light polarized perpendicular to the c-axis of the crystal, and EgII, the energy gap for polarization parallel to the c-axis, decrease as the pressure is increased. It appears that Eg decreases more rapidly with pressure than EgII. The mean pressure coefficient of Eg is - (2.2±0.4)×105 ev/atmos. For EgII the mean pressure coefficient is - (1.8±0.3)×105 ev/atmos. The measured pressure coefficients are used to calculate the thermal dilation term in the equation for the change of the energy gap with temperature for each material. The electron-lattice interaction term appearing in this equation is then deduced. In silicon these two terms are of opposite sign with the electron-lattice term dominant. In germanium the electron-lattice interaction effect accounts for 75% of the effect of temperature on the energy gap. For tellurium the two effects are almost equal in magnitude but of opposite sign.