THERE HAS BEEN increasing interest in the extrapulmonary abnormalities associated with bronchogenic carcinoma30,3 (Table 1). Since most of these abnormalities have been described with other tumors or non-neoplastic disease of other organs, they cannot be considered tumor- or organ-specific. Many of these syndromes have been related to a potentiality of the tumor to act as a functioning tissue mass. These endocrine and metabolic aspects of neoplasia have opened a new field of fruitful investigation. Several of these syndromes will be considered. They may be the presenting manifestation of the carcinoma and do not per se imply non-resectability of the lesion; moreover, they may become evident as a complication during treatment. Awareness of these problems may therefore lead to earlier diagnosis and more effective treament. Bilateral adrenal hyperplasia, often with signs of Cushing's syndrome, and markedly elevated steroid levels has been described in association with bronchogenic carcinoma, usually of the