NorDistribution and Satellite Associations inCallithrix Jacchus

The large number of NOR bearing chromosomes that participate in associations makes Callithrix jacchus a particularly good non-human primate species in which to study this phenomena. The data recorded on 1700 associations (in 17 animals) demonstrates that the distribution of chromosomes in the metaphase spread is not random with the observed associations involving short acrocentric chromosomes much higher than expected (p < 0.01). The presence of multiple pairs of acrocentric NOR bearing chromosomes including the Y-chromosome, questions LEDBETTER'S (1981) and LEDBETTER and VAN TUINEN'S (1983) conclusions that multiple pairs of NOR bearing chromosomes in primates evolved during hominoid evolution, and that NOR bearing Y-chromosome found in Hylobates syndactylus and Hylobates concolor arose in a recent common ancestor of these two species.