Tellurium implants into GaP at elevated temperatures–Atom site location and damage

A study has been made of the effect of substrate temperature on the lattice positions and the damage produced by Te implants into Gap. GaP crystals of ⟨111⟩ orientation were implanted with 40 keV Te ions to a dose of 5 × 1015 ions cm−2 at various temperatures up to 500°C and analysed using the Rutherford backscattering technique based on channelling. Implantation damage decreases with increasing implant temperature reaching ∼20% of the room temperature damage level following 500°C implants. The percentage of Te retained in the target decreases with target temperature up to 350°C when it has fallen to 45% of the room temperature implant level whereas above 350°C the percentage retained increases so that following implantation at 500°C it has returned to 80%. The percentage of Te occupying substitutional lattice sites increases with implant temperature and reaches a maximum of ∼65% at 350°C and above.