After 3 days of a natural lactic acid fermentation of whole kernel cornmeal, the pH was 3.78 with a titratable acidity of 0.91% at 32°C (1:4 w/v solids to water). These solids were diluted (1:12 w/v), autocalved at 121°C for 15 min and fermented with C. tropicalis for 7 days at 32°C, bringing the pH to 6.5 and 0.03% acidity. After both fermentations, the % relative nutritive value increased significantly (from 74.09% to 81.22%) and so did riboflavin (from 0.22 to 0.56 mg/100g). Both thiamin and niacin decreased significantly (0.42 to 0.20 mg/100g and 2.13 to 1.94 mg/100g, respectively).