Improved measurements of the branching fractions for B0π+π and B0K+π, and a search for B0K+K

We present measurements of the branching fractions for the charmless two-body decays B0π+π and B0K+π, and a search for the decay B0K+K. We include the effects of final-state radiation from the daughter mesons for the first time, and quote branching fractions for the inclusive processes B0h+hnγ, where h and h are pions or kaons. The maximum value of the sum of the energies of the n undetected photons, Eγmax, is mode-dependent. Using a data sample of approximately 227×106 Υ(4S)BB¯ decays collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric-energy e+e collider at SLAC, we measure: B(B0π+πnγ;Eγmax=150MeV)=(5.1±0.4±0.2)×106, B(B0K+πnγ;Eγmax=105MeV)=(18.1±0.6±0.6)×106, B(B0K+Knγ;Eγmax=59MeV)<0.5×106(90%confidence level), where the first uncertainty is statistical and the second is systematic. Theoretical calculations can be used to extrapolate from the above measurements the nonradiative branching fractions, B0. Using one such calculation, we find: B0(B0π+π)=(5.5±0.4±0.3)×106, B0(B0K+π)=(19.1±0.6±0.6)×106, B0(B0K+K)<0.5×106(90%confidence level). Meaningful comparison between theory and experiment, as well as combination of measurements from different experiments, can be performed only in terms of these nonradiative quantities.