Electron-spin resonance in the two-dimensional electron gas of GaAs-AlxGa1xAs heterostructures

Electron-spin resonance affects the magnetoresistivity of GaAs-Alx Ga1xAs heterostructures. With microwave frequencies of up to 70 GHz we studied systematically the spin splitting of the Landau levels in magnetic fields up to 14.5 T. The resonances within a certain Landau level are only observed at magnetic field values where the Fermi level is located between the corresponding spin levels. The spin splitting of a Landau level is an exact quadratic function of the magnetic field and its extrapolation to zero magnetic field leads to vanishing spin splitting. The g factors depend on the magnetic field and the Landau level index as follows: g(B,N)=g0-c(N+(1/2)B, where g0 and c are sample-dependent constants.