Videodensitometric ejection fractions from intravenous digital subtraction left ventriculograms: correlation with conventional direct contrast and radionuclide ventriculography.

Patients (43) who had undergone direct-contrast ventriculography were submitted to i.v. digital subtraction ventriculography and 1st-pass radionuclide ventriculography to compare the left ventricular ejection fractions obtained by each method. Ejection fractions were calculated by the area-length method from the direct contrast ventriculograms, by both-area-length and videodensitometric methods fromthe digital subtraction ventriculograms, and by count densitometry from the radionuclide ventriculograms. Satisfactory correlations were found between values obtained by the late mask resubtracted videodensitometric method and the radionuclide method (r = 0.85) and by the digital ventriculographic area length method and direct-contrast method (r = 0.88). Videodensitometric methods may be an alternative way to estimate left ventricular ejection fractions accurately without reliance on geometric assumptions about the shape of the left ventricular cavity.