Chemical and Biological Studies ofXylopia longifoliaA. DC. Essential Oils

The essential oils from several parts of Xylopia longifolia A. DC., Annonaceae (roots, bark, leaves, flowers, fruit and seeds) have been examined by GC and GC/MS, and screened for bacteriostatic and fungistatic activities. The main components of each oil have been identified. The fruits were rich in essential oil (1.8%) where the major compounds were found to be α-phellandrene (19.2%), limonene (12.2%) and p-cymene (18.7%). The same major constituents were found in the seed oil. The major constituents of the flower oil were p-cymene (26.9%) and spathulenol (36.1%), while the leaf oil contained α-pinene (10.1%) and trans-pinocarveol (10.1%). The major component of the root oil was also trans-pinocarveol (10.8%). The bark oil was rich in bornyl acetate (17.7%) and δ-cadinol (33.8%). It was the only oil that exhibited moderate bacteriostatic and fungistatic activity. The fatty acid content of the seeds and seedless fruit was 40.8% and 32.4% respectively. The major acids of the seeds and seedless fruit were palmitic acid (26.1% and 34.8%) and oleic acid (50.6% and 32.5%) respectively.