Electrostatic interactions in protein solution—a comparison between poisson–boltzmann and Monte Carlo calculations

The accuracy of the Poisson–Boltzmann (PB) approximation and its linearized version is investigated by comparison to results obtained from Monte Carlo simulations. The dependence of the calcium binding constant of the protein calbindin as a function of salt concentration and mutation is used as a test case. The protein is modeled as a collection of charged and neutral spheres immersed in the electrolyte solution. The PB equation is solved using a finite difference technique on a grid in a spherical polar coordinate system, which is the preferred choice for a globular protein like calbindin. Both MC and PB give quantitative agreement with experimental results. The linearized PB equation is almost as accurate, but it becomes less reliable in systems with divalent ions. However, the linearized PB equation fails to describe the concentration profiles for cations and anions outside the protein even in a 1 : 1 salt solution.