Cyclosporine and prednisone therapy for pure red cell aplasia in patients with chronic lymphocytic leukemia

We describe the characteristics of response to treatment with cyclosporine (CYA) plus prednisone in seven episodes of pure red cell aplasia (PRCA) in four patients with B cell chronic lymphocytic leukemia (CLL). Fourteen episodes of PRCA occurred in four patients with CLL. Eleven episodes were treated with conventional therapies which included an alkylating agent and prednisone. Four episodes that failed to respond to conventional therapies and an additional three episodes were treated with CYA and prednisone. Six of the seven episodes, including three of four which had failed conventional therapies, responded to CYA plus prednisone compared with six of eleven episodes treated with conventional therapies. Response to CYA and prednisone occurred without a reduction in leukemic mass. In contrast, PRCA remission did not occur until after leukemic mass reduction in three of four patients treated successfully with conventional therapies. Time to response was shorter (14 ± 3 days) with CYA plus prednisone than with conventional therapies (154 ± 97 days) in three of four patients. These results indicate that CYA plus prednisone is an effective therapy for the induction of remission from PRCA in patients with CLL.