Insects associated with the transmission of Verticicladiellaprocera

Insects in the families Scolytidae and Curculionidae were studied as potential vectors of the fungus Verticicladiellaprocera Kendrick. Weevils (Hylobiuspales Herbst and Pissodes sp.) and bark beetles (Pityogenes sp., Orthotomicus sp., Xyleborus sp., and Hylastes sp.) contaminated with V. procera were trapped in seven and three Pinusstrobus L. Christmas tree plantations, respectively, including plantations where V. procera had not been found. Percent of trapped weevils and bark beetles carrying V. procera was 64.2 and 0.76, respectively. Bolts (92%) became colonized by V. procera following visitation in the field by contaminated insects. Under controlled conditions, transmission of the fungus from contaminated weevils placed in cages to previously uncolonized bolts occurred three of seven times. Bark beetles transmited V. procera to eastern white pine bolts less frequently than weevils. Transmission of the fungus to seedlings did not occur. These studies suggest that insect vectors are important for spread of V. procera, and that weevils are probably the primary vectors.