Fehleranalyse, biologische Einflußfaktoren und Varianz der periungualen Videokapillarmikroskopie - Error Analysis, Biological Influencing Factors, and Variance of Periungual Video Capillary Microscopy

Error analysis or the evaluation of the precision of microscopic measurements must distinguish between technical errors inherent in the measuring system, and biological variability. The technical error inherent in the overall system in the case of linear measurements is smaller than the lengths to be measured by 1 or 2 orders of magnitude. Thus, the erythrocyte column lengths can be correctly, reproducibly and linearly quantified over the entire measuring range. The biological influencing factors can largely be taken into account or excluded by suitable standardisation of the measuring process. Despite a considerable individual fluctuation in the erythrocyte velocity, there is, on average, no significant dependence of the measuring parameter within the daily profile or from day to day. Differences in capillary perfusion in the presence of diseases associated with microcirculatory disorders or a therapeutic influence on erythrocyte velocity can thus be reliably demonstrated.