Lifetimes of the61+states inTi42andCa46andE2effective charges in(1f72)±2nuclei

The mean lifetimes of the 61+ states in Ti42 at 3041 keV and Ca46 at 2974 keV have been measured with the pulsed beam method to be τ=5±2 nsand 15.2±0.8 ns, respectively. The states were populated via the reactions Ca40(He3n)Ti42 at EHe3=12 MeV and Ca48(α, α2n)Ca46 at Eα=50 MeV. The deduced B(E2, 6+4+) values result in proton and neutron effective charges which are in good agreement with other (1f72)±2 nuclei. However, the present lifetime result for Ti42 is in disagreement with another measurement for this nucleus. A comparison of E2 effective charges extracted from all presently available B(E2) data on the 6+4+2+0+ transitions in (1f72)±2 nuclei is presented.