Sampling techniques for population and mortality factors of the fruit-tree leaf roller, Archips argyrospilus (Wlk.), on apple in Quebec, were developed at Rougemont from 1958 to 1960 with the object of obtaining reliable statistics for life tables on this species. Biometric techniques have not previously been applied for ecological studies of A. argyrospilus, most workers having been primarily concerned with life history, chemical control, and general observations on natural control factors (Gill, 1913; Caesar, 1916 and 1917; Petch, 1916 and 1942; Herrick, 1917; Muesebeck, 1921; Regan, 1923; Viereck, 1924, Venables, 1924 and 1937; Harman, 1928; Hall, 1930 and 1934; Knull, 1932; Chapman et al., 1941; Greenwood, 1943).