X-ray MnKβemission spectra of manganese oxides and manganates

X-ray Mn Kβ emission spectra of metallic manganese, MnO, MnO2, K2MnO4, and KMnO4 are accurately measured by the fluoresecent excitation method using a two-crystal spectrometer. The results show that molecular-orbital theory provides a suitable interpretation for x-ray Kβ emission spectra of the manganese oxides and manganates. The valence bands of the manganates are mainly composed of the 4p(π,σ) characters of the molecular orbitals for tetrahedrally coordinated MnO4, while the valence bands of the manganese oxides are composed of mainly the 4p(π) and 4p(σ) characters, and also the 3d(π,σ) characters of the molecular orbitals for octahedrally coordinated oxides. These characters give rise to the structures in the valence band of the manganese oxides. The peak A, which is observed in the spectra of the manganese compounds, is ascribed to the transition of mainly 1t2 or t1u(σS)1s. The manganates exhibit a simple Kβ1,3 peak, while the manganese oxides show a pronounced Kβ line. It is understood according to Tsutsumi's proposal on the origin of the Kβ line.