The atomic-beam laser-rf double-resonance technique has been used to study the hyperfine structure (hfs) of the metastable 7 L511 and 7 K4 states of the 4f45d6s configuration in i143,145. Four zero-field intervals were measured in each state and the results used to assign the conventional hfs constants A and B. Comparison of the results with predictions of the Sandars-Beck model allowed evaluation of the relevant single-electron radial hfs integrals. These are compared with earlier results from the Nd i atomic ground term and with extrapolations from other rare-earth elements. The unusually large orbital-angular-momentum values (L=7 and 8 for the states studied) do not appear to have introduced any anomalous effects. Ab initio calculations are not yet feasible for the complex 4f45d6s levels studied.