Effect of prostaglandin E1on preservation injury of canine liver grafts preserved in UW solution

This study investigated whether prostaglandin E] (PGE i) could reduce hepatic injury to the liver graft caused by harvesting and 24‐h preservation in University of Wisconsin (UW) solution in a canine model. The PGE1 treated group was intravenously administered 0.5 μg/kg per minute of PGE1 for 30 min before harvesting, as well as a concentration of 1 mg/1 PGE, in the washout and U W solutions. In both the PGE, ‐treated and the control group, all recipients survived for 1 week or more after transplantation. Arterial ketone body ratio (AKBR) remained over 1.0 in the early postoperative period. The PGE, group showed significant reductions in guanase, GOT, and LDH during the early postoperative period compared to the untreated control group. Histological examination disclosed partial mitochondrial swelling, hepatocyte vacuolation, and necrosis in the control group, while such abnormalities were rarely seen in the PGE, group. These results suggest that PGE1 can effectively reduce hepatic injury to liver grafts preserved in UW solution prior to transplantation.