Localizing and Tracking Single Nanoscale Emitters in Three Dimensions with High Spatiotemporal Resolution Using a Double-Helix Point Spread Function

Three-dimensional nanoscale localization and tracking of dim single emitters can be obtained with a widefield fluorescence microscope exhibiting a double-helix point spread function (DH-PSF). We describe in detail how the localization precision quantitatively depends upon the number of photons detected and the z position of the nanoscale emitter, thereby showing a ∼10 nm localization capability along x, y, and z in the limit of weak emitters. Experimental measurements are compared to Fisher information calculations of the ultimate localization precision inherent in the DH-PSF. The DH-PSF, for the first time, is used to track single quantum dots in aqueous solution and a quantum dot-labeled structure inside a living cell in three dimensions.