Longitudinal development of the kinematics of 4‐, 10‐, 18‐ and 26‐month‐old Dutch Warmblood horses

Summary: The forelimb kinematics of 24 Dutch Warmbloods were recorded at the trot on a treadmill (4m/s) at the age of 4, 10, 18 and 26 months using a modified CODA‐3 apparatus to study the development of the equine locomotor apparatus. Stride and stance duration increased with age, but swing duration and pro‐/retraction angle were consistent. The timing of maximal fetlock extension during the stance phase and carpal flexion during the swing phase did not change significantly as horses grew older. Moreover, individual angle‐time and angle‐angle diagrams recorded at 4 and 26 months showed a remarkable resemblance, both visually and numerically. From these data it can be concluded that horses seem to have an inherent intralimb coordination pattern.