The estimation of reduced ascorbic acid in blood serum and plasma

A method is descr. for the estimation of reduced ascorbic acid in 2 ml. samples of blood serum or plasma by titrating (with the Tillman''s reagent) the combined nitrates obtained by repeated solution and reprecipita-tion of the protein with tungstic acid. Recoveries of added ascorbic acid range between 89 and 111%. In 33 individuals, free from infection or scurvy, the av. level of reduced ascorbic acid in the blood serum was 1.61 mgm.%, with extreme values of 0.83 and 2.43 mgm.%. Of 10 individuals with scurvy, 8 showed values of reduced ascorbic acid in the blood serum below 0.4 mgm.%, which is the smallest amt. that can be quantitatively detd. by the method used. The remaining 2 showed values of 0.42 and 0.55 mgm.%, respectively. Typical curves are shown illustrating the transient rise in the blood level of reduced ascorbic acid following oral and intraven. administration of the pure substance in a normal subject and in a case of scurvy.