Measurement ofBK*γBranching Fractions and Charge Asymmetries

The branching fractions of the exclusive decays B0K*0γ and B+K*+γ are measured from a sample of (22.74±0.36)×106 BB¯ decays collected with the BABAR detector at the PEP-II asymmetric e+e collider. We find B(B0K*0γ)=[4.23±0.40(stat)±0.22(syst)]×105, B(B+K*+γ)=[3.83±0.62(stat)±0.22(syst)]×105 and constrain the CP-violating charge asymmetry to be 0.170<ACP(BK*γ)<0.082 at 90% C.L.
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