Surface Mobility of Copper Ions on Cuprous Oxide

This paper reports on the motion of Cu+ ion vacancies on the surface of cuprous oxide at room temperature under the application of an electric field. The measurement of the mobility of the Cu+ vacancies was made by means of a "time of flight" procedure. The formation of luminescent centers is the unique property of Cu+ vacancies that makes them directly observable. The mobility of the Cu+ vacancies at room temperature is about 1011 cm2/volt-sec. The variation of the mobility with temperatures between 28°C to 55°C is observed. From these data the constants of the diffusion equation D=D0exp(ΔHRT) are computed. D0=5×107 cm2 sec, ΔH=8100 calories. The low values obtained for these constants shows that the ionic current follows low-resistance paths formed by the crystal grain boundaries or along the surface of the crystal.