Differential utilization of eicosapentaenoic acid and docosahexaenoic acid in human plasma

It has recently been shown that the ω3 fatty acid status in humans can be predicted by the concentration of eicosapentaenoic (EPA) and docosahexaenoic (DHA) acids in plasma phospholipids [Bjerve, K.S., Brubakk, A.M., Fougner, K.J., Johnsen, H., Midjthell, K., and Vik, T. (1993)Am. J. Clin. Nutr., in press]. In countries with low intake of ω3 fatty acids, the level of EPA in plasma phospholipids is often only about one-fifth the concentration of DHA. The purpose of this study was to investigate whether this difference in the concentration of these two fatty acids was due to a selective loss of EPA relative to DHA or to a lower dietary intake of EPA. Seven female volunteers ingested four grams of MaxEPA daily for 2 wk and in the following 4 wk they ate a diet almost completely devoid of the long-chain ω3 fatty acids. The concentrations of the ω3 fatty acids in the plasma cholesteryl esters, triglycerides and phospholipids and the high density lipoprotein phospholipids were examined at weekly intervals throughout the study. There was a more rapid rise in the concentration of EPA than in DHA levels in the supplementation period in all lipid fractions, but there was a disproportionate rise in DHA relative to EPA in the plasma lipids compared with the ratio in the supplement. In the depletion phase there was a rapid disappearance of EPA from all fractions, such that pre-trial levels were reached by one week post-supplementation. The disappearance of DHA was slower, particularly for the plasma phospholipids: at 4 wk post-supplementation, the DHA concentration in this fraction was still 40% above the pre-trial value. It is suggested that the low plasma EPA values relative to DHA are the result of increased β-oxidation of EPA and/or low dietary intake, rather than a rapid conversion of EPA to DHA. One practical result of this experiment is that, compared with DHA, the maintenance of increased EPA levels in plasma (and therefore tissues) would require constant inputs of EPA due to its more rapid loss from the plasma.