Abstract— Flavone, polyhydroxyflavones (apigenin, fisetin, kaempferol, luteolin, myricetin, quercetin, resokaempferol and robinetin), polymethoxyflavones and acetylated and benzylated flavones were tested for photodynamic activity using Tetrahymena pyriformis T as the test organism. Among these compounds, polymethoxyflavones showed the highest order of activity, followed by flavone and then flavone derivatives with OH and OCH3 groups. Resokaempferol was the only active polyhydroxyflavone, the remainder being inactive such as the benzyl‐derivative. The methoxyl group in the 5–position and an increase in number of methoxyl groups from one to three in the phenolic portion of the flavonoid tended to decrease photodynamic activity. Tetrahymena killed photodynamically by polymethoxyflavones were morphologically altered by blister‐like blebs. Polymethoxyflavones showed the lowest cytotoxicity and the greatest photodynamic activity among those flavonoids tested. The majority of the favonoids in this series have absorption spectra in the 320–370 nm region.