Modeling UV-Induced Inactivation of Microorganisms on Surfaces

A model is presented to account for inactivation by UV light of microorganisms on the surfaces of solid materials. In the model, the surface is divided into a discrete number of zones, each having a characteristic exposure factor (α). This is the ratio of UV intensity actually “seen” by the microorganism to that incident on the surface. Application of the model requires inactivation data obtained under conditions where the surface microorganisms are fully exposed to incident UV (α= 1) as well as kinetic inactivation data for the same microorganisms actually present on the surface of interest during UV irradiation. The kinetics in question may apply either to a single species or to the characteristic microflora associated with a particular material. Standard nonlinear programming techniques were used to determine the number of zones among which the micro-organisms are distributed, the α for each zone, and the fraction of the microbial population present in each zone. The model was applied to data previously published by Gardner and Shama for UV inactivation of Bacillus subtilis spores on the surfaces of filter papers and also to the data of Stermer et al. for UV irradiation of beef. Good representation of the kinetics was obtained, and a maximum of three zones was required to adequately represent the experimental data. One direct application of the model is that it yields quantitative information about the UV fluences necessary to achieve specified reductions in microbial viability.