Studies on the Viral Spectra of Tissue Culture Lines of Human Cells

Summary: A comparison was made of 12 tissue culture cell lines of human origin with respect to their susceptibilities to a limited number of viruses. On the basis of the viral spectra obtained the lines could be divided into 2 groups corresponding to those established in morphological grounds. The observed interactions of the various viruses with the different cells fell into 4 categories: (1) viral multiplication with development of cytopathogenic effects; (2) propagation of virus in the absence of cellular destruction; (3) cytopathogenicity without viral replication; and (4) no growth of virus nor cellular damage. The implications of some of these findings have been discussed. Only cells of one of the groups (I) were susceptible to poliomyelitis, Coxsackie B and adenoviruses. None within group I were more sensitive to poliomyelitis than HeLa cells. Inoculation of cells of both groups with specimens from cases of infectious or serum hepatitis failed to yield evidence of infection.