The family Otopheidomenidae Treat is transferred to the Phytoseiidae Berlese as a subfamily, and the subfamily Macroseiinae Chant et al. is considered as a genus in the subfamily Phytoseiinae. The subfamily Otopheidomeninae contains four genera: Otopheidomenis Treat, Hemipteroseius Evans, Treatia Krantz and Khot, and Entomoseius Nov. The subfamily Phytoseiinae contains 10 genera: Typhlodromus Scheuten, Phytoseius Ribaga, Chantia Pritchard and Baker, Platyseiella Muma, Iphiseius Berlese, Paraamblyseius Muma, Phytoseiulus Evans, Amblyseius Berlese, Macroseius Chant et al., and Gigagnathus Nov. Keys and descriptions of genera are included.