Comparative Effects of Intramuscular Injections of ACTH, Cortisone, and Saline on Serum Glycoprotein Levels.

Adult male and female guinea pigs were administered 5 mg. ACTH, 5 mg. cortisone, and 0.25 ml. of 0.85% NaCl at 12 hr. intervals for 11 days. Total serum glycoprotein, serum mucoprotein and total serum protein were detd. Statistically significant increases in total serum glycoprotein were observed in the ACTH and saline-treated groups. Serum mucoprotein values were significantly elevated and the total serum values significantly decreased in the group which received saline. It was concluded that increased secretions of ACTH and cortisone are not directly responsible for the elevated total serum glycoprotein and serum mucoprotein levels following stress.